Seriously, why else would someone consider paying $900+ for a baby stroller?
It's like buying a $1200 Louis Vuitton Purse.
Does the same thing as a $100 purse, only it's not made of real leather and costs 12x more.
I mean, let's think about this rationally:
1) There are MANY companies out there who've been designing safe, comfortable, LITE, reliable strollers for much much longer than Orbit.
2) Humans, are designed to walk upright after the 1st year or so after birth. Hence, this is a very very short term investment. Unless, you plan on having many many children, I'm not sure what you'll be doing with your $900 stroller after the 1st year. My bet is you'll be selling it on craigslist or ebay for half what you paid. Or you could always re-purpose it to being a super high end shopping cart:)
3) The thing is freakin' HEAVY and a PAIN IN THE ASS to get in and out of your car. I seriously wonder if any employees at Orbit actually have children. Any parent, especially moms, will tell you should have been the first requirement in their product doc.
4) It's really big and doesn't fit easily into the average trunk. Better plan on buying a hummer or range rover to go with your Orbit.
5) How often do you really plan on rotating your baby in the stroller?
6) Do you really need a $900 stroller to feel like you're a loving parent? Your better off putting it towards a college fund and getting a head start.
7) Do you really need a $900 stroller to feel good about yourself?
Of course, there's always the lucky few who just have so much loot they don't know what else to do with it than buy senseless overpriced garbage. My advice to them is to find a charity and donate... a lot. It's better for the heart and the world. Buying this product promotes the wasting of human energy, mind, and spirit. This is just another company trying to cash in on the fact that ppl are most likely to spend "irrationally" when it comes to their children.
(43 customers reviews)
Customers Rating=4.5 / 5.0
More Detail For Orbit Infant System Black
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